Who is visa 143 for?

This is a permanent parent visa within the Contributory Parent Category under which applicants are required to make a large payment to the Government just before the approval. This visa may be for you if you are the parent of Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen children and do not wish to apply initially for the temporary Contributory Parent (Temporary) Visa (173). You can be in Australia or outside Australia at the time of visa application but if you are in Australia, you will not be entitled to a Bridging Visa.

What are visa 143 requirements


As the visa applicant, you:

Australian Child

Your Australian child must:

  • be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen
  • be settled in Australia (generally this means that your child must have resided in Australia for at least two years)
  • be at least 18 years old, and willing to sponsor your application
  • undertake to provide you with any necessary financial and accommodation support for the first two years after your arrival in Australia

It is also possible for you to be sponsored by your child’s spouse or de facto partner, provided that this person meets the above requirements. Alternatively, if your child is under 18, you may in some circumstances be sponsored by a relative or guardian of your child, or by a community organisation. 

What documents will I need?

At the current time, Parent Visa applications cannot be lodged via ImmiAccount and must be lodged as a paper application. The documentary requirements for a Contributory Parent (Migrant) Visa (143) can be grouped under the following categories below.


Some forms such as a Form 80, sponsorship form and Form 956A may be required in addition to the paper visa application

Identity and other documents

These documents would include birth certificate, passport, national ID, evidence of name changes, proof of address and evidence of any previous relationships etc. 

Other documents

These documents would include:

  • documents to demonstrate the parental relationship with your children
  • evidence of residence status of your children
  • evidence that your children are settled in Australia
  • details about your sponsor if your child is not going to be your sponsor.

Fees and charges

There are two sets of visa application charges applicable to the Contributory Parent (Migrant) Visa (143). The first applies at the time the visa application is made and is also called the First Instalment of the Visa Application Charge. The second charge applies just before the grant of the visa and is called the second instalment of the Visa Application Charge.

As at 1 July 2024, the Home Affairs fees for each instalment applicable to this visa are as below.

First instalment

  • primary applicant – A$ 4,895
  • dependent over 18 years of age – A$ 1,650
  • dependent under 18 years of age – A$ 830

Second instalment

The second instalment (contribution) for each applicant is $43,600.

In addition, there will be fees associated with undertaking medical examinations and police clearances.

Assure Visa fees for visa 143 are listed on our Fees Page.